Paul and Dr. Jeff Werber, DVM, shooting segment for ace nominated "Petcetera". Aired on the Discovery Channel.
Special Thanks to Dr. Dennis Fees, DVM, for the use of McFly, his outstanding American Staffordshire Terrier, and our good buddy.

Paul and his Doberman, Mocha, on set for ABC Network "Home Show" segment.

Paul, Laura, Arsenio, and Sobat. Arsenio autographed this photo saying "This sure would be an ugly family." We have to agree. ^_^

Paul, Rachel Hunter, and her two Rottie puppies, Mojo and Martini.

Ken Howard and his special buddy, Shadow. Shadow is responsible for saving Ken's life. Shadow has been an awesome companion, and he was our pleasure to train.

Mia Kirshner

Pierce Brosnan

Laura with Brad Wilk from Rage Against the Machine